Unity Tutorial 02

This week’s Unity task brought me to the brink of tears and that's actually no exaggeration. While trying to do the coding in the player controller script for the turning, everything just stopped working, the vehicle wouldn't move, none of my arrow buttons would work and it was dead. I tried to make a new player controller script and copy all the code into that, this was going well until I got the error that didn't let me drag the script into the vehicle component, I then had to make another new player control script inside the component area, delete the old one and paste the code into the new one. Still nothing worked. So I knew it wasn't the component it must've been something in the code so I began to re-watch the videos and type the code as I went along, still didn't work even with new code. 

Screenshot of my current game state

After this I thought it must be something to do with the files in my prototype folder. After around 2 hours of trying to trouble shoot on Wednesday night, I gave up and started again Thursday. This was even worse, nothing worked anymore. I decided to do what any smart man would do, delete everything and start from scratch. Deleted the Unity prototype and all the files, downloaded them all again and started from video 1. I kind of knew what I was doing so I was able to just listen to the video while I did everything instead of watching and then doing it. This worked! Of course it worked. It took me all of 2 hours from start to finish and my game is currently back up to speed. 
