Week 9 Reading and Writing

Looking back on all the reading we have done so far, I think the time could’ve been spent a bit better. I feel I’ve done a fair amount of work so far, compared to some student’s blogs that I’ve read while commenting on, but I think it could’ve been spent on the actual game design. We are on our second week I think of our Unity game, and I feel like I’m at the point in the year where Christmas is only 4/5 weeks away and I’m kinda slowing down, so if we had started the game earlier then I would’ve had more energy, the days would be brighter and not as cold and id have more motivation. 

Reading back, the first reading that we had to do was based on “growth mindset”, this topic was probably the most interesting and got me most involved, and I think I have almost subconsciously taken on some of the advice that I was giving to people while writing the blog post. By saying to myself more than I would have before that I will “get there eventually” or “it’s not the end of the world” it’s been helpful when I’m panicking over my work not being good enough to submit, I just accept that I’m not at that level yet, but I have still gotten praise from my lecturers for the work I’ve done so that might be the imposter syndrome that I read about in the same week.

While some of the reading can actually be helpful I feel a lot of it can be detrimental, for example in some of the articles, they will link to academic pieces of writing, as soon as I see these I just close it and move on to the next article, because I don’t have the attention span to read through an academic paper about “The Organic Nature of Game Ideation: Game Ideas Arise from Solitude and Mature by Bouncing”. I only realised in maybe week 3 or 4 that we didn’t have to read everything that we only had to read for the allocated time of maybe 30/60 minutes, but by the time I learned this, I had already the full paper. For me once I start something I have to finish it, whether that’s reading a paper or writing the blog, I need to get it done, so I would then just skip the academic papers and just spend the allocated time on maybe 2 articles, even if I went over the time limit I would still finish them.

This has to be my favourite photo from the blog, I feel it perfectly sums up how I feel totally out of my depth sometimes in this course but I’m making it work.

Going forward, I don’t think I can get much more out of the reading and writing experiences, although I have remembered that I do like the reading once I find something interesting to read, but that can take a while, I do also like the writing portion so maybe by continuing to write the blog posts I will be more accustomed to just writing in general and I think that’s good for my mental health to just be able to write things down because in the blogs a lot of the time I just keep writing and forget what I’m supposed to be talking about and then I’ve to go back and make it make sense. 

