Unity Tutorial 08

For this week's Unity tutorial I accidentally did the entire lesson 4 instead of just lesson 4.4 and challenge 4. I was wondering why it took so long but I did get through it quick enough as I'm getting more use to Unity. The mechanics and scripts for the enemy to follow the player is actually very useful for my game as I will be having a police car follow my player for my game, I was just using the camera to follow the script that was part of the first Unity tasks, which doesn't work as well because the camera won't move left and right with the player, but this new script will allow that movement. Some of the pieces of code that they are using are confusing like the < >, or the use of quotation marks followed by a space, which contradicts some of the previous code which had quotation marks with no spaces, which threw me off sometimes. I would never know where to use the spaced-out quotation marks instead of the regular ones but Google will always help out.

Other than these the Unity tutorial for this week wasn't too bad. 

Screenshot from my Unity
