After two weeks off, one of which being COVID, I caught up on two weeks of work for the Unity tutorials for Rubys Adventure. I finished off halfway through the third part of the tutorials, which were the tilemaps that I gave up on last time after figuring out the tutorials were out of date. I remembered how I figured out the tilemaps and continued on. The other tasks I did were "decorating the world" and "blocking movement", I followed each step correctly but there are some errors that I ran into, they weren't game-breaking but will need to be patched up during the week. The main one is Ruby's character model disappears behind the ground tilemap about 3/4 of the way up the screen for some reason, even though the character never goes behind the tilemap. The second issue is the water tiles have a collider on them so the character cant walk on water but some of the grass tiles for some reason are colliding with the character preventing the player from walking on the grass in some areas.
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