Game Fun

 For this week's reading we went over "fun" in game design.

The first reading was this article titled "Gamification Design: Whats Fun Got to do With it?". I didn't take much from the article, other than Nicole Lazzaro's 4 keys to fun, which are a list of game mechanics that drive play, easy fun, hard fun, people fun, and serious fun. "These are the four main reasons why people play games", she states in the article. 

Image via VectorStock

The next was this academic paper, which of course I had no interest in reading because I simply lack the concentration to read academic papers, so I went straight to the next link, which was this YouTube video. The video was interesting and covered the theory of fun in game design and touched on the flow theory, which I went over in another blog post here. I enjoyed these as it shows fun is not something that should be aimed for while creating your game, because fun is also subjective, but you should keep the thought in your mind about what makes a game fun, those being the 4 keys from the first article. 


  1. Yoooo Lee, I appreciate how honest you are about not being interested in reading the academic papers haha. I personally prefer videos because they are great at explaining the topic at hand, and many of the videos were done well in terms of the creator and the information they provided, but I do agree that fun is subjective and different for everyone.


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